warbo-utilities: af3ee2118ba2d77490542a3a0bd8408204be49b4

     1: #!/usr/bin/env bash
     2: set -e
     4: mount | grep -q s3_repos || {
     5:     echo "$HOME/Drives/s3_repos not mounted, skipping render" 1>&2
     6:     exit 0
     7: }
     9: cd "$1"
    11: NAME=$(basename "$PWD" .git)
    13: # S3 will delete empty directories, but git checks for their presence. Create
    14: # them if they don't exist.
    15: if [[ -e HEAD ]]  # Only make dirs in something that looks like a git repo!
    16: then
    17:     for D in refs/heads refs/tags objects/info
    18:     do
    19:         [[ -e "$D" ]] || mkdir -p "$D"
    20:     done
    21: fi
    23: PAGES=$(repoPath="$PWD" htmlInOut=1 inNixedDir genGitHtml)
    24: export PAGES
    25: DEST="$HOME/Drives/s3_repos/$NAME"
    27: git2ipfs "$PWD" || echo "Failed to push to IPFS, carrying on anyway..." 1>&2
    29: if [[ -n "$PAGES" ]]
    30: then
    31:     echo "Pushing '$PAGES' to Web" 1>&2
    33:     #export RCLONE_S3_REGION=eu-west-1
    34:     #export RCLONE_S3_PROVIDER=AWS
    35:     #export RCLONE_S3_ENV_AUTH=true
    36:     # Don't include repo.git, since we can use the real, canonical one
    37:     #with-aws-creds rclone sync "$PAGES" ":s3:www.chriswarbo.net/git/$NAME"
    38:     rsync --checksum --delete --ignore-times --progress --copy-unsafe-links \
    39:           --archive --no-perms --no-owner --no-group \
    40:           --exclude /repo.git --exclude /branches/master "$PAGES/" "$DEST" || {
    41:         CODE="$?"
    42:         if [[ "$CODE" -eq 23 ]]
    43:         then
    44:             echo "Ignoring rsync error about attributes (it's S3's fault)" 1>&2
    45:         else
    46:             echo "Unexpected rsync problem, aborting" 1>&2
    47:             exit "$CODE"
    48:         fi
    49:     }
    51:     # Edit repo link to point at canonical /git repo
    52:     sed -e "s@repo.git@/git/$NAME.git@g" -i "$DEST/index.html"
    53: fi
    55: # Ensure there's no snapshot
    56: F="$DEST/repo.git"
    57: if [[ -e "$F" ]]
    58: then
    59:   echo "WARNING: Shouldn't have '$F', canonical URL should be used" 1>&2
    60: fi
    62: # Ensure we use canonical URL
    63: URL="/git/$NAME.git"
    64:   F="$DEST/index.html"
    66: # shellcheck disable=SC2029
    67: if grep -q "$URL" < "$F"
    68: then
    69:     true
    70: else
    71:     echo "WARNING: Didn't find canonical URL '$URL' in '$F'" 1>&2
    72: fi

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