pubsubclient: e73c503e48d028e22074fb624d1bc4fca46e7f8b

     1: #!/usr/bin/env python
     2: import xmpp
     3: import sys
     4: import os
     5: import time
     6: from pubsubclient import PubSubClient, Node, Server, JID
     7: import simplexml
     8: import lxml.etree as etree
     9: from random import Random
    10: import string
    11: from lxml.etree import ElementTree, Element, SubElement
    12: import pygtk
    13: import gtk
    14: import gobject
    15: import feedparser
    16: from StringIO import StringIO
    17: from kiwi.ui.objectlist import Column, ObjectTree, ObjectList
    19: class Writer:
    21: 	def __init__(self, node):
    22: 		"""Make a Writer object, which is the application. A Writer
    23: 		contains an application window and a PubSubClient."""
    24: 		# This is the JID to use. Currently hard-coded
    25: 		self.client = PubSubClient("test1@localhost", "test")
    27: 		# Launch the connection
    28: 		self.client.connect()
    30: 		# The node we are going to publish to
    31: 		self.node = node
    33: 		# Make the application window
    34: 		self.window = gtk.Window()
    35: 		self.window.set_title("PubSub Writer")
    36: 		self.window.connect("destroy", self.destroy)
    37: 		self.vbox = gtk.VBox()
    38: 		self.window.add(self.vbox)
    39: 		self.publish_button = gtk.Button(label="Publish")
    40: 		self.publish_button.connect("released", self.publish)
    41: 		self.vbox.pack_end(self.publish_button)
    42: 		self.entry_box = gtk.TextView()
    43: 		self.vbox.pack_start(self.entry_box)
    45: 	def destroy(self, args):
    46: 		"""Quit the application when the window is closed."""
    47: 		gtk.main_quit()
    49: 	def main(self):
    50: 		"""The main loop for the application."""
    51: 		self.window.show_all()
    52: 		gobject.timeout_add(250, self.client.process)
    53: 		gtk.main()
    55: 	def publish(self, args):
    56: 		text = self.entry_box.get_buffer().get_text(self.entry_box.get_buffer().get_start_iter(), self.entry_box.get_buffer().get_end_iter())
    57: 		valid_text = simplexml.XMLescape(text)
    58: 		all_text = "<item>" + valid_text + "</item>"
    59: 		print str(valid_text)
    60: 		self.node.publish(self.client, all_text, return_function=self.published)
    62: 	def published(self, reply):
    63: 		print "Reply received"
    64: 		if reply == 0:
    65: 			print "Success!"
    66: 		else:
    67: 			print "Failure :("
    69: if __name__ == '__main__':
    70: 	writer = Writer(Node('pubsub.localhost', '/home/localhost/test1/blog/comments'))
    71: 	writer.main()

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