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Use asv for running benchmarks

We should benchmark:

 - hashspec
 - quickspec
 - mlspec

These should probably be different dependencies.

We should add benchmarks for:

 - Runtime
 - Precision
 - Recall

It would be nice to share the same execution for the results of these,
e.g. running `choose_sample 1 1` once, running it through quickspec
once, then spitting out a runtime, precision and recall from those

What we could do is run it in a setup_cache function, which would be
re-used across runs for the same version. Unfortunately that's not
parameterised, so it would all have to be done up front. Similarly,
doing the run inside a dependency would require all results to be
generated up front. Also, these wouldn't let us use asv's built-in
support for repetitions and parameters, which match what we want quite

How about, for now, we just implement these as standalone things? We can
worry about optimising them through re-use later.