haskell-te: 11987021fdaeb928632b0e5ac26695ea0f27a00a

     1: { callPackage, latestGit, runCommand, tryElse, writeScript }:
     3: with builtins;
     4: with rec {
     5:   path = tryElse <te-benchmarks> (latestGit {
     6:     url    = http://chriswarbo.net/git/theory-exploration-benchmarks.git;
     7:     stable = {
     8:       rev        = "e993b2f";
     9:       sha256     = "1c09m8040p9wvv25l12xckpmpvjhlhr3jwq5bm22d0947pc8fgdi";
    10:       unsafeSkip = false;
    11:     };
    12:   });
    14:   tebench = callPackage path {};
    15: };
    16: {
    17:   inherit tebench;
    18:   inherit (tebench) tip-benchmark-haskell tip-benchmark-smtlib tools;
    20:   # Useful for tests. Defining it here means we don't have to expose path, env,
    21:   # etc.
    22:   commDeps = runCommand "commDeps"
    23:                (tebench.cache // {
    24:                  getCommDeps = writeScript "getCommDeps.rkt" ''
    25:                    #lang racket
    26:                    (require lib/normalise)
    27:                    (require lib/theorems)
    28:                    (for ([dep (theorem-deps-of "tip2015/bin_plus_comm.smt2")])
    29:                         (write (encode-lower-name dep)))
    30:                  '';
    31:                  buildInputs = [ tebench.env ];
    32:                })
    33:                ''
    34:                  set -e
    35:                  racket "$getCommDeps" > "$out"
    36:                '';
    37: }

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