haskell-te: 724eab2fc1ff839f720928b1f57624d6e8ef258a

     1: { bash, fail, haskellPackages, jq, lib, mkBin, nixEnv, withNix, wrap,
     2:   writeScript }:
     4: with builtins;
     5: with lib;
     6: with rec {
     7:   # Run GHCi with all relevant packages available. We need "--pure" to avoid
     8:   # multiple GHCs appearing in $PATH, since we may end up calling one with the
     9:   # wrong package database.
    10:   repl = mkBin {
    11:     name  = "repl";
    12:     paths = (withNix {}).buildInputs ++ [ replLines ];
    13:     vars  = nixEnv // {
    14:       cmd = "ghci -v0 -XTemplateHaskell";
    15:       pkg =
    16:         with {
    17:           hs     = "with builtins; (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages";
    18:           hsPkgs = "x.QuickCheck x.quickspec x.cereal x.murmur-hash";
    19:         };
    20:         ''
    21:           ${hs} (x: [ ${hsPkgs} (x.callPackage (getEnv "pkgSrc") {}) ])).override { ignoreCollisions = true; }
    22:         '';
    23:     };
    24:     script = ''
    25:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    26:       set -e
    27:       set -o pipefail
    28:       nix-shell --show-trace --pure -p "$pkg" --run "$cmd" | replLines
    29:     '';
    30:   };
    32:   # Makes sure that the modules we've been given can be imported.
    33:   checkMods = mkBin {
    34:     name   = "checkMods";
    35:     paths  = [ repl ];
    36:     script = ''
    37:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    38:       set -e
    39:       set -o pipefail
    41:       ALL_MODS=$(echo -e "$MODS\nData.Serialize\nData.Digest.Murmur32" |
    42:                  sort -u)
    43:        IMPORTS=$(echo "$ALL_MODS" |
    44:                  while read -r MOD
    45:                  do
    46:                    echo "import $MOD"
    47:                  done |
    48:                  repl 2>&1) || {
    49:         echo "$IMPORTS" 1>&2
    50:         echo "Unknown error while checking modules" 1>&2
    51:         exit 1
    52:       }
    54:       if echo "$IMPORTS" | grep "Could not find module"
    55:       then
    56:         echo "$IMPORTS" 1>&2
    57:         exit 1
    58:       fi
    59:       exit 0
    60:     '';
    61:   };
    63:   # Try to type-check QuickSpec signatures, to see which work
    64:   # TODO: Higher-kinded polymorphism, eg. Functors and Monads
    65:   mkQuery = mkBin {
    66:     name   = "mkQuery";
    67:     vars   = {
    68:       # Shorthand
    69:       QS = "Test.QuickSpec";
    71:       # Make sure our parens stay balanced!
    72:       FUNCS = concatStringsSep " " [
    73:          "Data.Digest.Murmur32.asWord32"
    74:         "(Data.Digest.Murmur32.hash32"
    75:         "(Data.Serialize.runPut"
    76:         "(Data.Serialize.put"
    77:       ];
    78:     };
    79:     script = ''
    80:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    81:       # The name of the value we're trying to send through QuickSpec
    82:       GIVEN="$1"
    84:       # Use Template Haskell to monomorphise our value (tries to
    85:       # instantiate all type variables with "Integer")
    86:       MONO="Test.QuickCheck.All.monomorphic ('$1)"
    88:       # We must use a layer of let/in for TH to work, so we call our
    89:       # monomorphic value "f"
    90:       BIND="let f = \$($MONO) in"
    92:       # Get the monomorphised type
    93:       echo ":t $BIND f"
    95:       # See if our monomorphised value can be added to a QuickSpec
    96:       # Sig(nature). This can be done in two ways:
    97:       #
    98:       #  - Directly, using `fun0`, `fun1`, `fun2`, etc. depending on the
    99:       #    arity. This requires the type (or result type, for functions)
   100:       #    be an instance of `Ord`. Values of this type will be compared
   101:       #    to discover equivalence classes; such values can build up on
   102:       #    the heap, causing memory exhaustion.
   103:       #  - Indirectly, by adding our value using one of the `blind0`,
   104:       #    `blind1`, etc. functions (depending on arity) which don't
   105:       #    compare (or store) their outputs. We then add a hash function
   106:       #    to the signature using `observer1`; whenever our function
   107:       #    generates an output (or any other value of that type is
   108:       #    produced) they're hashed into an `Word32` for storage and
   109:       #    comparison.
   110:       #
   111:       # We prefer the indirect method, to keep down memory usage.
   113:       function tryCall() {
   114:         # Try to make a QuickSpec signature using the given parameters,
   115:         # writing JSON to stdout on success.
   116:         #  - $1 is the function to call, an arbitrarily complex expression
   117:         #  - $2 is the arity we'll report in our JSON
   118:         #  - $3 is whether results are hashable (indirect) or not
   120:         # Construct the JSON we'll send to stdout. This is double-escaped:
   121:         #  - We need to use "" in the shell to splice in variables
   122:         #  - We're generating Haskell code, which uses "" for strings
   123:         #  - The Haskell string contains JSON, which uses "" for strings
   124:         # We include the given name, the given arity and whether it's
   125:         # hashable. We can assume it's quickspecable, since the message
   126:         # won't appear if it isn't.
   127:          QNAME="\\\"qname\\\": \\\"$GIVEN\\\""
   128:         FIELDS="$QNAME, \\\"quickspecable\\\": true"
   129:           JSON="\"{\\\"arity\\\": $NUM, \\\"hashable\\\":$3, $FIELDS}\""
   131:         # We use the given function to add our term (monomorphised as `f`)
   132:         # to a QuickSpec signature; we use the above JSON as its name. We
   133:         # extract this name and print it out; if this works, then the term
   134:         # must be suitable for use in QuickSpec.
   136:         EXPR="$QS.Term.name (Prelude.head ($QS.Signature.symbols ($1 ($JSON) f)))"
   138:         # Print out the JSON, so we can spot it when we parse the results
   139:         echo "$BIND Prelude.putStrLn ($EXPR)"
   140:       }
   142:       # Try `blind` functions first; the higher the arity the better,
   143:       # since outputting curried functions will likely prevent comparison.
   144:       for NUM in 5 4 3 2 1 0
   145:       do
   146:         # We try calling our value as a function with $NUM arguments, then
   147:         # send the result through cereal and murmur-hash.
   148:         CALL="f"
   149:         for ARG in $(seq 1 "$NUM")
   150:         do
   151:           CALL="$CALL Prelude.undefined"
   152:         done
   153:         CALL="($FUNCS ($CALL)))))"
   155:         # We don't need the result of the hash call, so we put it in an
   156:         # unused let/in variable; the result we want is a call to `blind`
   157:         tryCall "let g = $CALL in $QS.blind$NUM" "$NUM" true
   158:       done
   160:       # If we can't hash, try adding directly (requires output be `Ord`)
   161:       for NUM in 5 4 3 2 1 0
   162:       do
   163:         # Try constructing a signature using `fun5`, `fun4`, etc. until
   164:         # we either get a success, or run out (not QuickSpecable).
   165:         tryCall "$QS.fun$NUM" "$NUM" false
   166:       done
   167:     '';
   168:   };
   170:   # Writes GHCi commands to stdout, which we use to test the types of terms
   171:   typeCommand = mkBin {
   172:     name   = "typeCommand";
   173:     paths  = [ jq mkQuery ];
   174:     script = ''
   175:       echo ":m"
   177:       # Used for hashing values, to reduce memory usage.
   178:       echo "import qualified Data.Serialize"
   179:       echo "import qualified Data.Digest.Murmur32"
   181:       while read -r MOD
   182:       do
   183:         echo "import qualified $MOD"
   184:       done < <(echo "$MODS")
   186:       grep "^{" | while read -r LINE
   187:       do
   188:         MOD=$(echo "$LINE" | jq -r '.module')
   189:         echo "import qualified $MOD"
   190:         QNAME=$(echo "$LINE" | jq -r '.module + "." + .name')
   191:         mkQuery "$QNAME"
   192:       done
   193:     '';
   194:   };
   196:   # Makes sure the types we've been given are actually available in scope (ie.
   197:   # they're not off in some hidden package)
   198:   typeScopes = mkBin {
   199:     name   = "typeScopes";
   200:     script = ''
   201:       echo ":m"
   203:       while read -r MOD
   204:       do
   205:         echo "import qualified $MOD"
   206:       done < <(echo "$MODS")
   208:       grep "in f[ ]*::" |
   209:       while IFS= read -r LINE
   210:       do
   211:         NAME=$(echo "$LINE" | sed -e "s/^.*('\(.*\)))[ ]*in f[ ]*::.*$/\1/g")
   212:         TYPE=$(echo "$LINE" | sed -e "s/^.*::[ ]*\(.*\)$/\1/g")
   213:         echo ":t ($NAME) :: ($TYPE)"
   214:       done
   215:     '';
   216:   };
   218:   # Recombines any lines which GHCi split up
   219:   replLines = mkBin {
   220:     name   = "replLines";
   221:     script = ''
   222:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   223:       while IFS= read -r LINE
   224:       do
   225:         if echo "$LINE" | grep '^ ' > /dev/null
   226:         then
   227:           printf  " %s" "$LINE"
   228:         else
   229:           printf "\n%s" "$LINE"
   230:         fi
   231:       done
   232:     '';
   233:   };
   234: };
   236: # Runs GHCi to get type information
   237: rec {
   238:   script = wrap {
   239:     name   = "runTypesScript-raw";
   240:     paths  = [ bash checkMods fail jq repl typeCommand typeScopes ];
   241:     vars   = {
   242:       JQ_COMMAND = concatStrings [
   243:         "{"
   244:           (concatStringsSep ", "
   245:             (map (x: x + ": $" + x)
   246:                  [ "asts" "cmd" "result" "scopecmd" "scoperesult" ]))
   247:         "}"
   248:       ];
   249:     };
   250:     script = ''
   251:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   252:       set -e
   253:       set -o pipefail
   255:       ERR=$(mktemp "/tmp/haskell-te-runTypesScript-XXXXX.stderr")
   257:       function finish {
   258:         cat "$ERR" 1>&2
   259:         rm -f "$ERR"
   260:       }
   261:       trap finish EXIT
   263:       ASTS=$(cat)
   265:       MODS=$(echo "$ASTS" | jq -r '.[] | .module')
   266:       export MODS
   268:       echo "Checking module availability" 1>&2
   269:       if checkMods
   270:       then
   271:         echo "Found modules" 1>&2
   272:       else
   273:         fail "Couldn't find modules, aborting"
   274:       fi
   276:       echo "Building type-extraction command" 1>&2
   277:       CMD=$(echo "$ASTS" | jq -c '.[]' | typeCommand) 2> "$ERR" ||
   278:         fail "Error building type extraction command"
   280:       echo "Extracting types" 1>&2
   281:       RESULT=$(echo "$CMD" | repl 2>> "$ERR") ||
   282:         fail "Error extracting types"
   284:       echo "Building scope-checking command" 1>&2
   285:       SCOPECMD=$(echo "$RESULT" | typeScopes)
   287:       echo "Checking scope" 1>&2
   288:       SCOPERESULT=$(echo "$SCOPECMD" | repl)
   290:       echo "Outputting JSON" 1>&2
   291:       # shellcheck disable=SC2016
   292:       jq -n --argfile asts        <(echo "$ASTS")                       \
   293:             --argfile cmd         <(echo "$CMD"         | jq -s -R '.') \
   294:             --argfile result      <(echo "$RESULT"      | jq -s -R '.') \
   295:             --argfile scopecmd    <(echo "$SCOPECMD"    | jq -s -R '.') \
   296:             --argfile scoperesult <(echo "$SCOPERESULT" | jq -s -R '.') \
   297:             "$JQ_COMMAND"
   298:       echo "Finished output" 1>&2
   300:       if [[ -z "$IN_SELF_TEST" ]]
   301:       then
   302:         if [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]]
   303:         then
   304:           {
   305:             echo 'DEBUG detected, showing stderr output'
   306:             echo 'NOTE: This comes from trial-and-error in GHCi, so we expect'
   307:             echo "many error messages. They can aid debugging, but if you aren't"
   308:             echo 'experiencing a problem then they can be safely ignored.'
   309:             cat "$ERR"
   310:           } 1>&2
   311:         else
   312:           echo "Set DEBUG=1 if you want to see gory GHCi output." 1>&2
   313:         fi
   314:       fi
   315:       echo "" > "$ERR"
   316:     '';
   317:   };
   319:   runTypesScript = { pkgSrc }: wrap {
   320:     name = "runTypesScript";
   321:     file = script;
   322:     vars = { inherit pkgSrc; };
   323:   };
   324: }

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