haskell-te: 4790258f914f27c7109a9837d29c8b8b60f0f8a4

     1: { analysis, annotated, bash, fail, genQuickspecRunner, glibcLocales,
     2:   jq, lib, makeHaskellPkgNixable, mkBin, runCommand, testData, unpack,
     3:   withDeps, withNix }:
     5: with lib;
     6: with rec {
     7:   quickspecAsts = mkBin {
     8:     name  = "quickspecAsts";
     9:     paths = [ bash genQuickspecRunner jq makeHaskellPkgNixable ];
    10:     vars  = {
    11:       LANG                  = "en_US.UTF-8";
    12:       LOCALE_ARCHIVE        = "${glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive";
    13:       NIX_EVAL_HASKELL_PKGS = builtins.toString ./quickspecEnv.nix;
    14:     };
    15:     script = ''
    16:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    17:       set   -e
    18:       set   -o pipefail
    20:       function mkNixable {
    21:         for P in "$@"
    22:         do
    23:           makeHaskellPkgNixable "$P" | jq -R '.'
    24:         done
    25:       }
    27:       OUT_DIRS=$(mkNixable "$@" | jq -s '.')
    28:       export OUT_DIRS
    30:       S=$(genQuickspecRunner)
    32:       [[ -e "$S" ]] || fail "Runner '$S' doesn't exist"
    33:       "$S"
    34:     '';
    35:   };
    37:   testGarbage = runCommand "check-garbage"
    38:     {
    39:       buildInputs = [ fail quickspecAsts ];
    40:     }
    41:     ''
    42:       if echo '!"£$%^&*()' | quickspecAsts 1> /dev/null 2> garbage.err
    43:       then
    44:         cat garbage.err 1>&2
    45:         fail "Shouldn't have accepted garbage"
    46:       fi
    47:       echo pass > "$out"
    48:     '';
    50:   eqss = testData.eqs { script = quickspecAsts; };
    52:   testAsts = mapAttrs
    53:     (n: eqs: runCommand "test-quickspecasts-${n}"
    54:       {
    55:         inherit eqs n;
    56:         buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
    57:       }
    58:       ''
    59:         set -e
    60:         RESULTS=$(jq 'length' < "$eqs") ||
    61:           fail "Couldn't get equation array for $n"
    63:         [[ "$RESULTS" -gt 0 ]] || fail "No equations for $n: $eqs"
    64:         mkdir "$out"
    65:     '')
    66:     eqss;
    68:   moreTests = attr: eqs:
    69:     with rec {
    70:       pkg     = getAttr attr testData.haskellDrvs;
    71:       name    = pkg.name;
    72:       haveEqs = runCommand "haveEquations-${name}"
    73:         {
    74:           inherit eqs;
    75:           buildInputs = [ jq ];
    76:         }
    77:         ''
    78:           set -e
    79:           jq -e 'type == "array"'            < "$eqs"
    80:           jq -e 'map(has("relation")) | all' < "$eqs"
    81:           mkdir "$out"
    82:         '';
    84:       foundEqs = runCommand "${name}-eqs-found"
    85:         {
    86:           inherit eqs;
    87:           buildInputs = [ jq ];
    88:         }
    89:         ''
    90:           set -e
    91:           jq -e 'length | . > 0' < "$eqs"
    92:           mkdir "$out"
    93:         '';
    94:     };
    95:     [ foundEqs haveEqs ];
    97:   checkParamTypes = runCommand "can-find-properties-of-parameterised-types"
    98:     {
    99:       buildInputs  = [ analysis fail jq ];
   100:       eqs          = eqss.test-theory;
   101:       GROUND_TRUTH = testData.truth.test-theory;
   102:       TRUTH_SOURCE = testData.truth.test-theory;
   103:     }
   104:     ''
   105:       set -e
   106:       set -o pipefail
   107:       RESULT=$(precision_recall_eqs < "$eqs")
   108:       RECALL=$(echo "$RESULT" | jq '.recall') || fail "No recall"
   109:       echo "$RECALL" | jq -e '. > 0' || fail "Recall is '$RECALL'"
   110:       mkdir "$out"
   111:     '';
   113:   checks = attrValues testAsts                  ++
   114:            attrValues (mapAttrs moreTests eqss) ++
   115:            [ checkParamTypes testGarbage ];
   116: };
   118: withDeps checks quickspecAsts

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