haskell-te: 121452590c9fc611416848cd8f79b1551fc8c661

     1: # Provides an augmented package set to use instead of <nixpkgs>
     2: with builtins;
     3: with rec {
     4:   # If we have a <real> path, use that as the source of fetchFromGitHub, to
     5:   # prevent an infinite loop. Otherwise use <nixpkgs> as normal.
     6:   path = import ./path.nix {};
     8:   # nix-helpers defines a bunch of stable package sets we can use
     9:   helpersSrc = (import path {}).callPackage ./helpers.nix {};
    11:   helpersOverlay = import "${helpersSrc}/overlay.nix";
    13:   pkgs = import path { overlays = [ helpersOverlay ]; };
    15:   # nix-config defines a bunch of stable package sets we can use
    16:   #inherit ((import path {}).callPackage ./nix-config.nix { inherit path; })
    17:   #  nix-config;
    18: };
    19: assert pkgs ? nixpkgs1603 || abort "No nixpkgs1603 found";
    20: assert pkgs ? nixpkgs1609 || abort "No nixpkgs1609 found";
    21: rec {
    22:   inherit pkgs;
    23:   nixpkgs-2016-03  = pkgs.nixpkgs1603;
    24:   nixpkgs-2016-09  = pkgs.nixpkgs1609;
    25:   nixpkgs          = nixpkgs-2016-03;
    26:   nix-config       = import (pkgs.backportOverlays {
    27:                               name = "nixpkgs1603-with-helpers";
    28:                               repo = pkgs.repo1603;
    29:                             }) { overlays = [ helpersOverlay ]; };
    30: }

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