haskell-te: c8033432175481d1ddce8bc5b64e89c2e04dd2b3

     1: { allDrvsIn, attrsToDirs, bash, cabal-install, coreutils, extractedEnv,
     2:   extraHaskellPackages, fail, haskellPackages, jq, lib, makeHaskellPkgNixable,
     3:   mkBin, nix, nixEnv, runCommand, testData, timeout, utillinux, withDeps, wrap,
     4:   writeScript }:
     5: with builtins;
     6: with lib;
     7: with rec {
     8:   untested = mkBin {
     9:     name   = "concurrentQuickspec";
    10:     paths  = [ coreutils ];
    11:     vars   = {
    12:       runner = wrap {
    13:         name   = "explore-runner";
    14:         paths  = [ fail haskellPackages.mlspec jq makeHaskellPkgNixable nix
    15:                    timeout ];
    16:         vars   = nixEnv;
    17:         script = ''
    18:           #!${bash}/bin/bash
    19:           set -e
    20:           set -o pipefail
    22:           function noDepth {
    23:             grep -v "^Depth" || true # Don't abort if nothing found
    24:           }
    26:           function checkForErrors {
    27:             ERR=0
    28:             while read -r LINE
    29:             do
    30:               echo "$LINE"
    31:               if echo "$LINE" | grep "No instance for" > /dev/null
    32:               then
    33:                 ERR=1
    34:               fi
    35:             done
    36:             [[ "$ERR" -eq 0 ]] || fail "Haskell error, aborting"
    37:           }
    39:           function nixify {
    40:             for D in "$@"
    41:             do
    42:               makeHaskellPkgNixable "$D" | jq -R '.'
    43:             done | jq -s '.'
    44:           }
    46:           function onlyQuickspecable {
    47:             jq 'map(if type == "object"
    48:                        then select(.quickspecable)
    49:                        else map(select(.quickspecable))
    50:                     end)'
    51:           }
    53:           if [[ -n "$OUT_DIRS" ]]
    54:           then
    55:             echo "Using existing OUT_DIRS" 1>&2
    56:           else
    57:             if [[ -n "$IN_BENCHMARK" ]]
    58:             then
    59:               fail "No OUT_DIRS in benchmark, aborting"
    60:             else
    61:               OUT_DIRS=$(nixify "$@")
    62:               export OUT_DIRS
    63:             fi
    64:           fi
    66:           # limit time/memory
    67:           onlyQuickspecable | withTimeout MLSpec 2> >(checkForErrors 1>&2) |
    68:                               noDepth | jq -s '.'
    69:         '';
    70:       };
    71:     };
    72:     script = ''
    73:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    74:       set -e
    75:       if [[ -n "$MAX_SECS" ]]
    76:       then
    77:         timeout "$MAX_SECS" "$runner" "$@"
    78:       else
    79:         "$runner" "$@"
    80:       fi
    81:     '';
    82:   };
    84:   data = mapAttrs
    85:     (n: f: runCommand "data-${n}"
    86:       {
    87:         inherit f;
    88:         buildInputs = [ jq ];
    89:       }
    90:       ''
    91:         set -e
    92:         jq '[map(select(.quickspecable))]' < "$f" > "$out"
    93:       '')
    94:     (testData.asts {});
    96:   mkBuildInputs = args: extractedEnv args ++ [ untested fail ];
    98:   checks = {
    99:     mlspec-test = runCommand "mlspec-test"
   100:       (nixEnv // {
   101:         buildInputs = [
   102:           cabal-install
   103:           (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (h: [ h.mlspec ]))
   104:           jq
   105:           nix
   106:           utillinux
   107:         ];
   108:         dir = haskellPackages.mlspec.src;
   109:       })
   110:       ''
   111:         set -e
   112:         echo "Appeasing Cabal's impurities" 1>&2
   113:         export HOME="$PWD"
   114:         GHC_PKG=$(ghc-pkg list | head -n 1 | tr -d ':')
   116:         cp -r "$dir" ./dir
   117:         chmod +w -R ./dir
   118:         cd ./dir
   120:         cabal configure --package-db="$GHC_PKG" 1>&2
   121:         ./test.sh
   122:         mkdir "$out"
   123:       '';
   124:   } // mapAttrs (_: f: mapAttrs f data) {
   125:     exit-success = name: f: runCommand "exploreExitSuccess-${name}"
   126:       {
   127:         inherit f;
   128:         buildInputs = mkBuildInputs {
   129:           inherit f;
   130:           standalone = getAttr name (testData.haskellNixed {});
   131:         };
   132:       }
   133:       ''
   134:         set -e
   135:         OUTPUT=$(concurrentQuickspec < "$f") || {
   136:           echo "$OUTPUT" 1>&2
   137:           fail "Exit failure for '$f'"
   138:         }
   139:         mkdir "$out"
   140:       '';
   142:     find-equations = name: f: runCommand "find-equations-in-${name}"
   143:       {
   144:         inherit f;
   145:         buildInputs = mkBuildInputs {
   146:           inherit f;
   147:           standalone = getAttr name (testData.haskellNixed {});
   148:         };
   149:       }
   150:       ''
   151:         set -e
   152:         set -o pipefail
   154:         DONE=0
   156:         function finish {
   157:           if [[ "$DONE" -eq 0 ]]
   158:           then
   159:             if [[ -e serr ]]
   160:             then
   161:               echo -e "\n\nstderr:\n\n" 1>&2
   162:               cat serr                  1>&2
   163:             else
   164:               echo "No stderr produced" 1>&2
   165:             fi
   167:             echo "COUNT: $COUNT" 1>&2
   168:           fi
   169:         }
   170:         trap finish EXIT
   172:         echo "Exploring '$f'" 1>&2
   173:         RESULT=$(concurrentQuickspec < "$f" 2> serr) || {
   174:           echo "$RESULT" 1>&2
   175:           fail "Equation finding failed for '$f'"
   176:         }
   178:         if grep "No clusters found" < serr
   179:         then
   180:           fail "Did concurrentQuickspec receive any input?"
   181:         fi
   183:         COUNT=$(echo "$RESULT" | jq 'length')
   185:         if [[ "$COUNT" -eq 0 ]]
   186:         then
   187:           fail "Couldn't find any equations in output of '$f'"
   188:         else
   189:           echo "Found '$COUNT' equations for '$f'" 1>&2
   190:         fi
   192:         DONE=1
   194:         mkdir "$out"
   195:       '';
   197:     no-dupes = name: f: runCommand "no-dupes-for-${name}"
   198:       {
   199:         inherit f;
   200:         buildInputs           = mkBuildInputs {};
   201:         nixed                 = [(getAttr name (testData.haskellNixed {}))];
   202:         NIX_EVAL_HASKELL_PKGS = (filterSource
   203:           (path: type: hasSuffix ".nix" path || elem (baseNameOf path) [
   204:             "benchmarks" "nix-support"
   205:           ])
   206:           ./..) + "/nix-support/customHs.nix";
   207:       }
   208:       ''
   209:         set -e
   210:         set -o pipefail
   212:         function noDupes {
   213:           echo "Removing dupes" 1>&2
   214:           DUPES=$(grep "^building path.*repo-head" |
   215:                   sed -e 's/.*head-//g'            |
   216:                   sort                             |
   217:                   uniq -D) || DUPES=""
   218:           [[ -z "$DUPES" ]] || {
   219:             echo "Made redundant package lookups: $DUPES" 1>&2
   220:             exit 1
   221:           }
   222:         }
   224:         echo "Exploring '$f'" 1>&2
   225:         OUTPUT=$(concurrentQuickspec "$nixed" < "$f" 2>&1) || {
   226:           echo "$OUTPUT" 1>&2
   227:           fail "Failed to explore '$f'"
   228:         }
   230:         echo "$OUTPUT" | noDupes
   231:         mkdir "$out"
   232:       '';
   233:   };
   234: };
   235: withDeps (allDrvsIn checks) untested

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