haskell-te: 5e099ccb949c8a20154cdaf9c61bb0e0cee10f51

     1: # Provides a set of Haskell packages for use by nix-eval.
     2: { hsDirs }:
     4: with import ./.. {};
     5: with builtins;
     6: with rec {
     7:   hsDrvs  = self: listToAttrs (map (dir:
     8:                     with { d = toString (nixedHsPkg dir); };
     9:                     {
    10:                       value = self.callPackage d {};
    11:                       name  = pkgName (haskellPackages.callPackage d {}).name;
    12:                     })
    13:                     hsDirs);
    14:   hsNames = attrNames (hsDrvs haskellPackages);
    15:   givenHs = if getEnv("HASKELL_PACKAGES") == ""
    16:                then haskellPackages
    17:                else import getEnv("HASKELL_PACKAGES");
    18:   hsPkgs  = givenHs.override {
    19:     overrides = hsOverride (self: super: hsDrvs self);
    20:   };
    22:   # Check that these Haskell packages build
    23:   check = runCommand "check-for-pkgs.nix"
    24:     {
    25:       buildInputs  = [((hsPkgs.ghcWithPackages (h: map (n: getAttr n h)
    26:                                                        hsNames)).override {
    27:                           ignoreCollisions = true;
    28:                         })];
    29:     }
    30:     ''echo "true" > "$out"'';
    31: };
    33: assert hsDirs != [] || abort "Got no OUT_DIRS";
    34: assert import check || abort "Couldn't build pkgs";
    35: hsPkgs

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