haskell-te: a1c21702f53a1d9387d732f55eeeec697a599a75

     1: { bash, checkStderr, dumpToNix, extractedEnv, fail, getDepsScript,
     2:   haskellPackages, jq, lib, mkBin, nixedHsPkg, pkgName, runCommand,
     3:   runTypesScript, runTypesScriptData, testData, unpack, utillinux, withDeps,
     4:   wrap }:
     6: with builtins;
     7: with lib;
     9: with rec {
    10:   getArities = mkBin {
    11:     name   = "getArities";
    12:     paths  = [ bash jq ];
    13:     vars   = {
    14:       # Extract the name and module from the qname of each object
    15:       EXTRACT =
    16:         with rec {
    17:           # Splits a qualified name into a module and a name ("bits")
    18:           input = ''(.qname | split(".") | reverse) as $bits'';
    20:           # The name is the last "bit"
    21:           name = ''$bits[0]'';
    23:           # The module is all except the last "bit", joined by dots
    24:           mod = ''$bits[1:] | reverse | join(".")'';
    25:         };
    26:         "${input} | . + {name: ${name}, module: ${mod}}";
    28:       # There may be duplicates: one which is hashed and one which isn't. We
    29:       # prefer to be hashed if possible, so we update each objects' "hashable"
    30:       # field to true if the array contains a hashable object with the same
    31:       # qname.
    32:       SET_HASHABLE = ''
    33:         . as $all | map(.qname as $qn | . + {
    34:           "hashable": ($all | map(select(.qname == $qn) | .hashable) | any)
    35:         })
    36:       '';
    38:       # Any duplicates will be identical, including their "hashable" field, so we
    39:       # can dedupe using "unique".
    40:       UNIQUIFY = ". | unique | map(del(.qname))";
    41:     };
    42:     script = ''
    43:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    44:       set -e
    46:       # Keep lines which look like JSON objects
    47:       grep '^{' | jq -c -M "$EXTRACT"      |  # Set the right name
    48:                   jq -s -M "$SET_HASHABLE" |  # Prefer hashable
    49:                   jq       "$UNIQUIFY"        # Remove dupes
    50:     '';
    51:   };
    53:   getTypes = mkBin {
    54:     name   = "getTypes";
    55:     paths  = [ bash jq utillinux ];
    56:     script = ''
    57:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
    58:       set -e
    60:       # Monomorphic types come in via stdin
    62:       function trim {
    63:         grep -o '[^ ].*[^ ]'
    64:       }
    66:       # Turn (foo)::bar::baz into foo\tbaz
    67:       grep '::' |
    68:         sed 's/(\(.*\)).*::*.*::\(.*\)/\1\t\2/g' |
    69:         while read -r LINE
    70:         do
    71:           # Cut at the \t, trim whitespace and reverse the (qualified) name
    72:           RNAME=$(echo "$LINE" | cut -f 1 | trim | rev)
    73:           TYPE=$( echo "$LINE" | cut -f 2 | trim)
    75:           # Chop the reversed name at the first dot, eg. 'eman.2doM.1doM' gives
    76:           # 'eman' and '2doM.1doM', then reverse to get 'name' and 'Mod1.Mod2'
    77:           NAME=$(echo "$RNAME" | cut -d '.' -f 1  | rev)
    78:           MODS=$(echo "$RNAME" | cut -d '.' -f 2- | rev)
    80:           echo "{\"module\": \"$MODS\", \"name\": \"$NAME\", \"type\": \"$TYPE\"}"
    81:         done |
    82:         jq -s '.'
    83:     '';
    84:   };
    86:   tagAstsScript = default: wrap {
    87:     name   = "tagAsts";
    88:     paths  = [ bash jq ];
    89:     vars   = {
    90:       inherit default;
    91:       FALLBACK_ID = ''
    92:         {
    93:              "name" : $this.name,
    94:            "module" : $this.module,
    95:           "package" : $this.package
    96:         }
    97:       '';
    99:       # Select $tags matching $this
   100:       QUERY = ''map(select((.module == $this.module) and
   101:                            (.name   == $this.name))) | .[0]'';
   103:       # Combine matching $tags with $this
   104:       ACTION = ". + $this";
   105:     };
   106:     script = ''
   107:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   109:       # Given JSON objects on stdin, and a file descriptor containing JSON objects
   110:       # as $1, combines those elements of each with matching pkg/mod/name. If no
   111:       # match is found in $1, 'default' is used as a fallback
   113:       function msg {
   114:         echo -e "$1" 1>&2
   115:       }
   117:       [[ -n "$1" ]] || {
   118:         msg "tagAsts requires an argument for its tags"
   119:         msg "For example, 'echo FOO | tagAsts <(echo BAR)'"
   120:         exit 1
   121:       }
   123:       TYPE=$(echo "$default" | jq -r 'type') || {
   124:         msg "Couldn't parse tagAsts default argument '$default' as JSON"
   125:         exit 3
   126:       }
   128:       [[ "x$TYPE" = "xobject" ]] || {
   129:         msg "tagAsts default argument '$default' has type '$TYPE'"
   130:         msg "It should be an object"
   131:         exit 4
   132:       }
   134:       export FALLBACK="($FALLBACK_ID + $default)"
   136:       # Call the current AST $this, then loop over $tags
   137:       INPUT=".[] | . as \$this | \$tags + [$FALLBACK]"
   139:       jq --argfile tags "$1" "[$INPUT | $QUERY | $ACTION]"
   140:     '';
   141:   };
   143:   annotateAsts = mkBin {
   144:     name   = "annotateAsts";
   145:     paths  = [ getArities getTypes jq ];
   146:     vars   = {
   147:       tagTypesScript   = tagAstsScript ''{"type":null}'';
   148:       tagAritiesScript = tagAstsScript ''
   149:         {
   150:                   "arity" : null,
   151:           "quickspecable" : false,
   152:                "hashable" : false
   153:         }
   154:       '';
   155:     };
   156:     script = ''
   157:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   158:       set -e
   160:       function msg {
   161:         echo -e "$1" 1>&2
   162:       }
   164:       function tagTypes {
   165:         "$tagTypesScript" <(echo "$RAWSCOPE" | getTypes)
   166:       }
   168:       function tagArities {
   169:         "$tagAritiesScript" <(echo "$RAWTYPES" | getArities)
   170:       }
   172:       INPUT=$(cat)
   173:       if [[ -z "$IN_SELF_TEST" ]]
   174:       then
   175:         if [[ "$DEBUG" -eq 1 ]]
   176:         then
   177:           NAME=$(echo "$INPUT" | sha256sum | head -n1 | cut -d ' ' -f1)
   178:           msg "DEBUG detected, writing to '$NAME.annotateInput'"
   179:           echo "$INPUT" > "$NAME.annotateInput"
   180:         else
   181:           msg "This stage is tricky. Set DEBUG=1 to see the debug info."
   182:         fi
   183:       fi
   185:       msg "Getting ASTs";   RAWASTS=$(echo "$INPUT" | jq -c '.asts'       )
   186:       msg "Getting types"; RAWTYPES=$(echo "$INPUT" | jq -r '.result'     )
   187:       msg "Getting scope"; RAWSCOPE=$(echo "$INPUT" | jq -r '.scoperesult')
   189:       msg "Tagging"
   190:       echo "$RAWASTS" | tagTypes | tagArities
   192:       msg "Tagged"
   193:     '';
   194:   };
   196:   annotateDbScript = wrap {
   197:     name   = "annotateDb";
   198:     paths  = [ annotateAsts bash getDepsScript ];
   199:     script = ''
   200:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   201:       set -e
   202:       set -o pipefail
   204:       "$typesScript" | annotateAsts | getDepsScript
   205:     '';
   206:   };
   208:   annotateScript = withDeps (concatLists (attrValues
   209:                               (mapAttrs testsFor {
   210:                                 inherit (testData.haskellDrvs) test-theory;
   211:                               })) ++ checkDlist)
   212:                             annotateScript-untested;
   214:   annotateScript-untested = mkBin {
   215:     name   = "annotate";
   216:     paths  = [ bash checkStderr fail ];
   217:     vars   = { annotateDb = annotateDbScript; };
   218:     script = ''
   219:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   220:       [[ -n "$typesScript" ]] || fail "No typesScript set"
   221:       "$annotateDb" 2> >(checkStderr)
   223:       # Give checkStderr some time to process (hacky and racy)
   224:       CODE="$?"
   225:       sleep 1
   226:       exit "$CODE"
   227:     '';
   228:   };
   230:   testsFor = attr: pkg:
   231:     with rec {
   232:       asts = annotatedWith annotateScript-untested {
   233:         pkgDir = unpack pkg.src;
   234:         extras = { IN_SELF_TEST = "1"; };
   235:       };
   236:       annotatedExists = runCommand "annotatedExists"
   237:         {
   238:           inherit asts;
   239:           buildInputs = [ fail ];
   240:         }
   241:         ''
   242:           set -e
   243:           [[ -e "$asts" ]] || fail "annotated '$asts' doesn't exist"
   244:           mkdir "$out"
   245:         '';
   247:       haveAsts = runCommand "test-have-asts"
   248:         {
   249:           inherit asts;
   250:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   251:         }
   252:         ''
   253:           set -e
   254:           jq -e 'length | . > 0' < "$asts" || fail "Empty ASTs"
   255:           mkdir "$out"
   256:         '';
   258:       astsLabelled = runCommand "test-asts-are-labelled"
   259:         {
   260:           inherit asts;
   261:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   262:           pkgName     = pkgName pkg.name;
   263:         }
   264:         ''
   265:           set -e
   266:           jq -cr '.[] | .package' < "$asts" | while read -r LINE
   267:           do
   268:             [[ "x$LINE" = "x$pkgName" ]] || fail "Unlabelled: '$pkgName' '$LINE'"
   269:           done
   270:           mkdir "$out"
   271:         '';
   273:       astsHaveField = map (f: runCommand "${attr}-asts-have-${f}"
   274:         {
   275:           inherit asts;
   276:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   277:         }
   278:         ''
   279:           set -e
   280:           jq -e 'map(has("${f}")) | all' < "$asts" || fail "No '$f' field found"
   281:           mkdir "$out"
   282:         '')
   283:         [ "package" "module" "name" "ast" "type" "arity" "quickspecable"
   284:           "hashable" ];
   286:       noCoreNames = runCommand "no-core-names"
   287:         {
   288:           inherit asts;
   289:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   290:         }
   291:         ''
   292:           set -e
   293:           if jq -cr '.[] | .name' < "$asts" | grep -cF ".$"
   294:           then
   295:             fail "Found core names in '$asts'"
   296:           fi
   297:           mkdir "$out"
   298:         '';
   300:       getTypes = runCommand "have-types-for-asts"
   301:         {
   302:           annotations = annotatedWith annotateScript-untested {
   303:             extras = { IN_SELF_TEST = "1"; };
   304:             pkgDir = toString (nixedHsPkg (toString runCommand "hsPkg"
   305:               {
   306:                 buildInputs = tipBenchmarks.tools;
   307:                 example     = ../benchmarks/nat-simple.smt2;
   308:               }
   309:               ''
   310:                 set -e
   311:                 mkdir hsPkg
   312:                 export OUT_DIR="$PWD/hsPkg"
   313:                 full_haskell_package < "$example"
   314:                 cp -r hsPkg "$out"
   315:               ''));
   316:           };
   317:           buildInputs = [ jq ];
   318:         }
   319:         ''
   320:           set -e
   321:           jq -e 'map(has("type") and .type != null) | any' < "$annotations"
   322:           mkdir "$out"
   323:         '';
   325:       dependencyNameVersions = runCommand "dependency-name-versions"
   326:         {
   327:           inherit asts;
   328:           pName       = pkg.name;
   329:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ]; }
   330:         ''
   331:           set -e
   332:           DEPS=$(jq -cr '.[] | .dependencies | .[] | .package' < "$asts" |
   333:                  sort -u) ||
   334:             fail "Couldn't get packages of '$pName' dependencies" 1>&2
   336:           if echo "$DEPS" | grep -- "-[0-9][0-9.]*$" > /dev/null
   337:           then
   338:             fail "Deps of '$pkgName' have versions in package IDs:\n$DEPS" 1>&2
   339:           fi
   340:           mkdir "$out"
   341:         '';
   343:       haveDependencies = runCommand "haveDeps-${pkg.name}"
   344:         {
   345:           inherit asts;
   346:           buildInputs = [ jq ];
   347:         }
   348:         ''
   349:           set -e
   350:           jq -e 'map(has("dependencies")) | all' < "$asts" > "$out"
   351:         '';
   353:       namesUnversioned = runCommand "names-unversioned-${attr}"
   354:         {
   355:           F           = asts;
   356:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   357:           pkgName     = pkg.name;
   358:         }
   359:         ''
   360:           set -e
   362:           function assertNoVersions {
   363:             if grep -- "-[0-9][0-9.]*$" > /dev/null
   364:             then
   365:               fail "Versions found in package names of $1$pkgName"
   366:             fi
   367:           }
   369:           [[ -e "$F" ]] || fail "Couldn't find file '$F'"
   371:           jq -rc '.[] | .package'                       < "$F" |
   372:             assertNoVersions ""
   374:           jq -rc '.[] | .dependencies | .[] | .package' < "$F" |
   375:             assertNoVersions "dependencies of "
   377:           mkdir "$out"
   378:         '';
   379:     };
   380:     astsHaveField ++ [
   381:       annotatedExists astsHaveField astsLabelled dependencyNameVersions getTypes
   382:       haveAsts haveDependencies namesUnversioned noCoreNames
   383:     ];
   385:   # Regression tests for ef5280028f66a9e7
   386:   checkDlist =
   387:     with rec {
   388:       pkg  = haskellPackages.dlist;
   389:       asts = annotatedWith annotateScript-untested {
   390:         pkgDir = unpack pkg.src;
   391:         extras = { IN_SELF_TEST = "1"; };
   392:       };
   393:       notHashable = runCommand "dlist-not-hashable"
   394:         {
   395:           inherit asts;
   396:           buildInputs = [ fail jq ];
   397:         }
   398:         ''
   399:           set -e
   400:           jq -e 'map(select(.name == "replicate")) | length |
   401:                                                      . == 1 ' < "$asts" ||
   402:             fail "No 'replicate' found"
   403:           jq -e '.[] | select(.name == "replicate") | .hashable |
   404:                                                       not       ' < "$asts" ||
   405:             fail "'replicate' shouldn't be hashable (DLists are functions)"
   407:           jq -e 'map(select(.name == "toList")) | length |
   408:                                                   . == 1 ' < "$asts" ||
   409:             fail "No 'toList' found"
   410:           jq -e '.[] | select(.name == "toList") | .hashable' < "$asts" ||
   411:             fail "'toList' should be hashable ([Integer] can be serialised)"
   413:           mkdir "$out"
   414:         '';
   415:     };
   416:     [ notHashable ];
   418:   annotatedWith = annotateScript: { pkgDir, extras ? {} }:
   419:     with rec {
   420:       pkgSrc = nixedHsPkg pkgDir;
   421:       f      = dumpToNix { pkgDir = pkgSrc; };
   422:       env    = extractedEnv {
   423:         inherit f;
   424:         standalone = pkgSrc;
   425:       };
   426:     };
   427:     runCommand "annotate"
   428:       ({
   429:         inherit f;
   430:         __noChroot  = true;
   431:         buildInputs = env ++ [ annotateScript ];
   432:         typesScript = runTypesScript { inherit pkgSrc; };
   433:       } // extras)
   434:       ''
   435:         set -e
   436:         annotate < "$f" > "$out"
   437:       '';
   438: };
   440: rec {
   441:   annotated = annotatedWith annotateScript;
   443:   annotateRawAstsFrom = mkBin {
   444:     name   = "annotateRawAstsFrom";
   445:     paths  = [ annotateScript bash ];
   446:     vars   = { typesScript = runTypesScriptData.script; };
   447:     script = ''
   448:       #!${bash}/bin/bash
   449:       set -e
   450:       pkgSrc=$(readlink -f "$1")
   451:       export pkgSrc
   453:       annotate
   454:     '';
   455:   };
   456: }

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