haskell-te: 540ffb957bc6db699fa957f9ff0e1949aa0f24d0

     1: # ML4HSFE executable from its Haskell package, with its test script checked
     2: { haskellPackages, runCommand, runWeka, withDeps, withNix }:
     4: with {
     5:   test = runCommand "ML4HSFE-test-suite"
     6:     (withNix {
     7:       ml4hsfe     = haskellPackages.ML4HSFE.src;
     8:       buildInputs = [
     9:         (haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (h: [
    10:           h.cabal-install h.ghc h.ML4HSFE h.quickspec h.tasty h.tasty-quickcheck
    11:         ]))
    12:         runWeka
    13:       ];
    14:     })
    15:     ''
    16:       set -e
    17:       export HOME="$PWD"
    18:       cp -r "$ml4hsfe" ./ml4hsfe
    19:       chmod +w -R ./ml4hsfe
    20:       cd ./ml4hsfe
    21:       ./test.sh
    22:       mkdir "$out"
    23:     '';
    24: };
    25: withDeps [ test ] haskellPackages.ML4HSFE

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