haskell-te: cd8e54a4c2b0b478b1b99b77279ccb37bf80b920

     1: # The definitions from ./overlay.nix applied to a known-good nixpkgs version
     2: with rec {
     3:   helpersSrc = import ./nix-support/helpers.nix {
     4:     inherit (import tePath {}) fetchFromGitHub;
     5:   };
     7:   tePath = import ./nix-support/path.nix {};
     9:   helpers = import tePath {
    10:     overlays = [ (import "${helpersSrc}/overlay.nix") ];
    11:   };
    13:   warn = args: if args == {}
    14:                   then (x: x)
    15:                   else builtins.trace
    16:                          "Warning: Ignoring args to haskell-te default.nix";
    17: };
    18: args: warn args
    19:   (import helpers.repo1803 { overlays = [ (import ./overlay.nix) ]; })

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