haskell-te: 2178a246a8bf163af4d67c4f9acd7239053a4f3a

     1: with import ./. {};
     2: stdenv.mkDerivation {
     3:   name         = "haskell-te-benchmark-env";
     4:   src          = ./benchmarkEnv.nix;
     5:   unpackPhase  = "true";
     6:   buildInputs  = [
     7:     asv-nix
     8:     (mkBin {
     9:       name   = "unzipBenchmarks";
    10:       paths  = [ fail nixpkgs.lzip ];
    11:       script = ''
    12:         #!${bash}/bin/bash
    13:         set   -e
    14:         shopt -s nullglob
    16:         echo "Looking for data" 1>&2
    17:         [[ -d benchmarks/results ]] || fail "Couldn't find benchmarks/results"
    18:         [[ -d .asv/results       ]] || fail "Couldn't find .asv/results"
    19:         for D in benchmarks/results/*
    20:         do
    21:           [[ -d "$D" ]] || continue
    22:           DIR=$(basename "$D")
    23:           [[ -d .asv/results/"$DIR" ]] || fail "Couldn't find .asv/results/$DIR"
    24:           for F in "$D"/*.json.lz
    25:           do
    26:             NAME=$(basename "$F" .lz)
    27:             echo "Extracting $F to .asv/results/$DIR/$NAME" 1>&2
    28:             lzip -d < "$F" > .asv/results/"$DIR"/"$NAME"
    29:           done
    30:         done
    31:       '';
    32:     })
    33:   ];
    34:   installPhase = ''
    35:     set -e
    36:     echo 'WARNING: Building the "benchmarkEnv" derivation. This is not meant
    37:     to be a "real" package: it only provides a build environment, for use with
    38:     nix-shell (e.g. "nix-shell benchmarkEnv.nix")'
    39:     echo "This is not a 'package', it's meant to be used via nix-shell" > "$out"
    40:   '';
    41:   shellHook = ''
    42:     echo "Entered benchmarking shell: use 'asv' command to run benchmarks." 1>&2
    43:     echo "Use 'unzipBenchmarks' to extract previous results into place."    1>&2
    44:   '';
    45: }

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