haskell-te: 4f65a88f5b904385b04efc24d6082091728a0a5d

     1: From: Chris Warburton
     2: Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2017 12:37:52 +0100
     3: Subject: Re: Speed up getDepsScript.nix
     4: Message-Id: <e0eb468d529cd0c2-ac24cd16ed625274-artemis@nixos>
     5: References: <e0eb468d529cd0c2-0-artemis@nixos>
     6: In-Reply-To: <e0eb468d529cd0c2-0-artemis@nixos>
     8: Ported to Haskell, as nix-support/getDepsScript.hs
    10: Was a nice opportunity to learn lenses. The resulting process still
    11: spends a lot of time idle, waiting for input to be piped in, but we no
    12: longer see bash processes eating up CPU, or jq/GetDeps processes popping
    13: in and out of existence.

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