haskell-te: 1b6def549ea9311bf868bf74a8ce13921af71aa3

     1: From: Chris Warburton
     2: Date: Thu, 09 Nov 2017 22:23:51 +0000
     3: State: resolved
     4: Subject: Add a COPYING/LICENSE file
     5: Message-Id: <cf9ed6da2eb913e0-0-artemis@nixos>
     6: resolution: fixed
     8: Oops, we don't have a license. EPSRC funding recommends an "open
     9: license", and university doesn't want to lose commercial exploitability.
    11: AGPLv3 fits this best: it's "open" for the research community to use,
    12: e.g. for reproducing results, it is FOSS and hence compatible with our
    13: dependencies (notably QuickSpec is BSD3) and it allows commercial
    14: exploitation via dual-licensing agreements.

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